Kamis, 09 September 2010

Saving Nature Lives With Mangrove

As an archipelago, Indonesia is very famous with natural beauty and beaches. But now the beauty of it began to be threatened by environmental degradation and erosion which eroded some beaches, not to mention the coastal areas of North Minahasa, North Sulawesi. These conditions make the local communities concerned and launch its own efforts to save the beach.

Lourens Loho, villagers Wori, North Minahasa, is one person who was moved to come save the beach in the neighborhood. He successfully cultivated in the coastal mangroves Tiwoho, North Minahasa.

Since 1995, Lourens who used to just work odd jobs, began to be a cadre of conservation of Bunaken National Park. He began to cultivate and replant mangroves Tiwoho Coast. He was selected because mangroves mangroves multifunctional. Aside from being a natural fortress that can withstand abrasion, mangrove forests also became a place to breed fish.

Lourens increasingly eager for greening the coastal region more broadly. Now, he is very identical to the mangroves. He was not stingy to share experiences with others including students and foreign institutions in efforts to conserve nature.

Mangrove trees were cultivated Lourens not only be used for conservation of nature in his homeland, but also sent abroad. Mangroves business results sent to the United Arab Emirates as greening efforts. Lourens Loho prove the struggle can be done with a simple way and starting from their own neighborhood.

Wildlife relationships with logging

Deforestation has caused huge controversy by environmental experts. Many people debated the merits of deforestation, but they see only the negative impacts. People who support the logging may only think about the economic benefits of logging. Deforestation may have benefited economically, but even so, a greater negative impact than positive. Deforestation is destroying natural habitats for animals. As natural habitats disappear, it is difficult for species to adapt it so that the causes of extinction. Most important results of logging is the reduction of biodiversity.

In an article titled Benefits of Timber, Nathalie Fiset only focus on aspects of economic benefits alone. He claims that timber products are the most stable construction materials and human beings can not live without the wood products. That is true in certain scope, but we are increasingly developed into a paperless society. Today, almost everything is run electronically. For example, people can pay bills online, so there is no involvement of paper in it. Also when selecting a candidate, people choose to use electronic means. So there's no reason to be cut down so many trees when people actually want to learn to live without paper. Many paper companies now using recycled materials.

Another point which is expressed Fiset logging can create many new jobs. He states that when dealing with environmental experts deforestation, it causes a lot of people lost their jobs. If logging is seen from the point of view, whether it's really worth it? People can always find a new job, but if people are destroying homes of millions of animals so the animal does not know what else to go. Will take several generations for animals to be able to adapt to new environments. When these workers lost their jobs so there is much work that can be environmentally friendly they choose. For example, they can work overseeing the forest and wild life, or working at a paper recycling company.

Fiset believe that as companies destroy the forest so they can make green back the lost forest by planting more plants. When the lumberjacks cut the trees, they can not say that simple to want to plant more crops and then left. In one forest area alone, there are hundreds of species of trees and it takes hundreds of years to create a huge forest so that it can support much biodiversity and all the wildlife that exist in it. Usually when the forests were destroyed, these companies will only plant one or two types of plants to make green back what they have to lose. Certain animals need a certain tree species can live and breed. If people only grow one crop alone is difficult for animals to adapt. When the natural habitat destroyed without rest, so many animals would be killed or escaped. When they returned, the house they've lost total. For example, many birds that have nests in the various types of trees, now have to raise their children in the open field which will invite predatory animals. This happens because they are not fast enough to adapt in the new tree. When a species became extinct then they will never return.

The latter, Fiset said that the destruction of forests can help to find more natural resources like oil, natural gas and coal. Automotive industry began to make a new revolution by creating cars that are more energy efficient and environmentally friendly. United States slowly began to distance himself from the use of renewable natural resources can not. Effect of coal combustion really have a major impact on global warming with the depletion of the ozone layer decara dramatic, in charge of protecting the earth from ultraviolet rays from the sun. As a result, coal is not the main thing that we should seek. There are so many other ways to produce energy. There is wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, water energy and wave energy. All this does not require energy and natural resources can be updated and very little negative impact on the earth.

In the Amazon jungle, there are thousands of different organisms. One study conducted by scientists is to record how the bees adapt to logging. According to the article, some species of bees is important not only for the environment but also for human economic and cultural. Many people say the bees are not important, but for those who live in the Amazon and its surroundings, the bee is so sacred. Some people even think of bees as pets. Bees produce honey that has many uses. Besides bees used to pollinate crops of farmers. If there are no bees, no crops that can produce food for sale to the entire world population.

In a study of bees, the scientists went to different areas in the Amazon that are affected by logging and collect the bees to see how they adapt to logging. As a result, they found seven species of bees, but only two species are not affected by logging (McCoy and Mushinski). That means the five species of bees are on the verge of extinction. This is just one example of how logging can destroy a species.

Another example of animals on the verge of danger due to logging is the ring tailed lemurs. These monkeys live in Madagascar, but since human populations are increasing rapidly, so companies began to conduct logging Madagascar and destroy the habitat of lemurs. Many scientists believe that the lemur was the one who makes the rain forest more healthy (Butler). Now there are only 50 kinds of lemurs. Deforestation is a lot of pressing life of lemurs in Madagascar. Facts prove that there are so many types of species that are affected by deforestation ranging from bees to monkeys.

Deforestation to build agriculture, cities and houses would only destroy the natural habitat. That is just the main effects only. There are other impacts of logging. One example of the negative effects of logging is maukknya pollutants into the woods. When a logging company to do, then they bring the trucks that carry hazardous pollutants into the wild life. Researchers have found that thousands of hazardous chemicals are introduced into the natural environment is causing disturbance of the nervous system, immune, endocrine and reproductive animals (Hose and Guillette 87). This may also cause the animal to be on the verge of extinction, because when the substances affected by pollutants that it becomes difficult for them to reproduce.

However, there are several solutions that could humans create to help prevent these chemicals into the natural environment. One is observing the content of which is exposed to environmental toxins. This will limit how much of these chemicals could make the impact of environmental pollution and will return again to normal reproductive cycle. Another solution is to know the nature of the chemicals released into the environment. Once people know how bad these chemicals then they might stop using it. Last solution is to create a model of ecosystem restoration, such as facilities, to help improve the endocrine system (Hose and Guillette 88-89).

Though deforestation has had an impact which is bad for wildlife, but still there are some organizations that try to help the struggle of these wild animals. Organizations, these organizations create a restoration program for the animals that are in the abyss of extinction. Scientists can measure the success of these facilities, and is usually very high success rate. It is easier to measure the success of a facility at the same time (McCoy and Mushinski). Deforestation may have destroyed the lives of some animals, but when people take small steps to help the natural environment, it will be one step closer toward the rescue of endangered species.

There are many examples of how logging can be a legacy for our grandchildren, but unfortunately people do not think that far ahead. People want to destroy the forest to discover the natural resources that it can destroy the planet. Global warming and overfishing are generally only going to add fuel to the fire. When the destruction of 0.5 million hectares of forest animals then the house will be lost. When they lost the house they had no place to hide. This is a major problem for the diversity of life. Every day thousands of extinct species drastically reducing the diversity of the earth.